Thursday, December 9, 2010

A New Thought, mixed with an old one.

I believe that Prayer by any other name is the same thing. and that the power of intention or intentionality is the same thing as prayer. That God has in place tools already that if we desire A and do B Result C will automatically happen. and as such God does not actually individually answers each and every specific prayer, but has already answered them in a cosmic sense. and that Prayer is God's way of teaching us to access the power of intention.

ok I dont think I explained that well but that is ok, I don't think many if anyone is reading this anyways and I know what I mean.

my new thought came while considering that there are those who say that they pray, and they cannot see any direct answers to their prayers. there are several options here generally. 1 they are not doing it right, 2 they are not seeing the answer but it is there.

but I was considering today, that it is interesting that I pray, and most often it is answered so immediately that it could not easily be missed. passed of as coincidences perhaps, but only if you were really stubborn or not putting it together well. For example I prayed that someone would open a door for me while I was carrying big awkward packages and didn't know how I was going to get through without dropping them or setting them down, unless someone opened the door, so I prayed, and the door was opened at the exact moment I arrived and needed it. ok sure the odds are really for me that this could happen. I know that. but the swiftness and sureness of it happening to me are such that I have great confidence when I pray..... another example. I'm ill and in bed I do not want to get up, but the dog pushed through the door (its winter by the way and I'm using a space heater to heat my upstairs bedroom) and that lets in cold air. I'm dreading getting up, and so I close my eyes and silently pray dear God, I know with you anything is possible, can you close the door please.. and no sooner did I end praying that my 14 month old baby gets up from nursing on the bed with me, climbs down off the bed and closes the door, turns around and climbs back into bed with me. now I can't get my baby to do anything I ask him to do so even if he had heard me do it. I also can't get him to stop nursing without screaming until he is finished.  this is so much less likely to be coincidence, as really to be quite remarkable.

so thinking about all this and I begin to wonder. is power of intention ie prayer a learned skill or even born talent, that some have the ability to pray more successfully than others. is that why certain friends and associates can not see their prayers answered? but God is not a respecter of persons. so perhaps because I have learned to recognize answered prayers that I see them more easily. or perhaps because I see them and recognize them and are thankful to God for them he is swifter in answering them. the scriptures say something to the effect of God being slow to remember those who are slow to remember him.....

ok lots of thoughts, and that is all they are just thoughts. but I felt like sharing.

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