Many religions believe in the idea of "reincarnation" the idea that a soul relives life on this earth over again until it gets "it" right and can move forward in progression.
some believe that it is the same physical shape ie human vs animal reliving life on earth as "past lives" others believe that those past lives are not always human but start from a lower life form to a higher life form.
this is called Transmigration of the soul. Samsara. Reincarnation. Rebirth, Punarbhava.
though there are differences - same soul, different soul, no soul, - the idea of progression from something less to something more until reaching some form of perfection, seems to be fairly universal.
even in science the Darwinism concept of evolution that we all started as a very small single celled organism but slowly progressed into more complex organisms is a form of this same progression.
I firmly believe that the truth is a bit of a mix of all of these.
When we end a way of life and begin a new way of life, it is often considered rebirth. being laid as dead in the baptism waters to be born again a new person.
Our individual intelligence has similarly gone through a progression and there are those who are ahead of us and those who are behind us.
If I believe the general occult concept of their being 7 layers of the soul I would suggest that we have been through 7 major steps in our progression to our human earthly state.
and I know that there is universally a supreme being of some sort that is more evolved than ourselves.
we do not know all of the steps we have already taken, but we do know some......
Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother conceived and created spiritual bodies for the intelligence to enter, much in the same way that earthly parents conceive and create physical bodies for the spirit to enter into.
This gives us 3 layers -
The "intelligence"
The Spiritual Body
The Physical Body
most occult texts deal primarily with these three layers - they are also knows as
The higher mind
the Spiritual Mind
and the Natural Mind
So we know that somewhere between the beginning and the now, we went through 4 unknown evolutions or rebirths and the 3 known rebirths. it is my belief that reincarnation and evolution are partial truths but missing the importance of the whole. and that is that it is not an earthly rebirth but a heavenly one.
I lost where I was going with this as I watch river monsters
goal is eternal progression and attaining perfection I'll come back to this later
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