Monday, November 8, 2010

Christ's Salvation Compared to the US Court Sytem

In The USA, we the people have decided and declared Laws that the members in our country are required to abide by. some of these are do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness. and breaking these laws are punishable by a set predetermined set of punishments equal to all that break the same law and distinct and just for the crime.

In the heavens there are inexorable laws, with predetermined punishment universal  and equal to all who break the said law and, with distinct punishments justified for the crime.

There are some crimes in both locations that are inexcusable, unforgivable. and the punishment for that crime is the same for both, permanent banishment from that society aka death.

but for the lesser crimes here in the USA there is a set punishment often with options 5 years or 10,000 or both. depending on the crime etc.

should a person rob another in the USA that criminal must appear before the judge who will pass sentence. and when the verdict comes out guilty and the judge declares $10K fine to be paid to the victim or 5 years in jail, and $5K to be paid to the courts or community service.

if that criminal does not want to go to jail, and does not have the money to pay he can borrow the money  from a brother or bailer, who would make arrangements with the criminal for that debt to be repaid. with penalties for not repaying the debt.

In the very same manner when we "sin" and become "sinners" we have broken celestial or heavens laws and are heavenly criminals. we have a great advantage under the celestial law than the US law, and that is that all of our crimes and debt arrangements are made prior to going to court so that when we get to heaven the judge will pass verdict and issue sentence, and our brother/mediator can step forward and declare the debts paid.

On earth as it is in heaven. we have a choice. we CAN choose to go to jail and serve our time. and afterwards to repent of our misbehavior or not to. it is the same in celestial law. if want to pay the debt ourselves, or we have not figured out how to get a hold of the the bondsman, then we will pay for our sins ourselves in the predefined sentences. afterward we have paid for our own debt, we will be given the choice to repent or not.

While we are on earth. Jesus has paid the price for our sins already, if we are willing and choose to allow him to do so. but we are not forced to allow him.  but should be decide to repent and allow him to take our yoke, then we are obligated to fulfill the contract as agreed.

Often in our US court systems, when a person is in need of a bail-bond, the criminal does not meet directly with the bonder, but with a secretary or servant of the bonder, who hands you a contract which you are required to read and understand on your own, and to commit to.

Similarly Jesus has given us the scriptures from his secretaries the prophets to spell out the contract, what you are expected to do to repay the debt, and what will happen if you do not.

If we understand the above to be true, it can become easy to see how any other church, could have a partial truth without the whole.

for instance. in the Catholic Church they have purgatory where you pay for your sins, many eastern churches have celestial punishment as well for the various crimes they might commit, some are very specific, such as if you kill by the sword on earth then your hell will entail being killed a thousand times by the sword in your punishment period.

I do believe that many of these specific details may in fact be correct, as it is the inexorable law that "as you sow, so shall you reap"

Getting back to my main goal. When I consider all the religions in the world each have similar laws, but vary with the details.  As I look at world religions I see that once upon a time there was only 1 religion. and along the way this group took ---- this much and that group took -------- that much, and some took from this part and that part but NONE, not one single religion on this earth has ALL the details that were in the first church. Many of the details are just not terribly important perhaps. Does it matter how I will be punished for my crimes, perhaps knowing my punishment would be a deterrent, but it is not necessary for salvation to take place. Often criminals commit crimes not being aware of the extent of the possible consequences, but those who can be held accountable for their actions are aware that it was wrong and there is some type of punishment.

However I maintain, that "ALL Truth can be circumscribed into one great whole".

There are religions who have retained or had it restored to them, much of the first religion. but are still missing some of the most vital  details.

I have found that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) has the MOST truth when compared to other religions, and in addition many churches are self secluded from further light and knowledge, and the LDS church not only allows continued personal and worldly revelation, but encourages seeking out truth from "Good Books". seeking out light and knowledge are encouraged. in our men and our women. and openly acknowledge that there is yet to be revealed many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God.

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