Though there are angles and lines etc involved in Feng Shui that goes into Astrological alignments. I am not going into that part for now. I am going to simply and generalize.
Can we function in a world of chaos? most of us find order to keep us sane. The same is true in our homes. If the house is cluttered so too are our minds, it is hard to relax in a cluttered environment. How can we access the powers of the universe the Chi or the Light of Christ if we cannot access our front door?
In Christianity we are told -
to Keep our houses in order
Cleanliness is next to Godliness
In Feng Shui it emphasis more on the exact placement of items for maximized energy flow, but the main principle is to - put things in their place. if it is where it belongs it is not messy or cluttered.
many easter religions focus on minimalising "stuff", getting closer to nature etc.
We as Americans and World wide as Christians have what I call excessive stuffism.
We have so much stuff, we cling to it and don't want to get rid of it, part of our energy is stuck in those "things" and the more things our chi is stuck into the more we become stuck in life.
we have all seen those house where a person dies and there is stuff stacked floor to ceiling with pathways going from one part of the house to another sometimes having to step over the stuff to maneuver. That person's life became the stuff. they were so emotionally involved in that stuff that their energies became stuck. was any of it particularly valuable. even if you found an original Rembrandt under the piles of stuff, did it help her? so was it valuable to her? did any of that stuff help her to gain anything in life except more stuff?
Too much stuff causes us more work, less time for spiritual things.
Too much stuff easily becomes clutter
God knows that we need to have free flowing environments for us to function to our full potential. and so in every relgion he has given us the same basic rules.
keep your houses in order.
I recommend becoming a minimalist this has many potential benefits
1 giving away your things to charity will count for future blessings
2 less stress, less work keeping up with the excessive stuff
4 Physical, Emotional, and spiritual health
5 Obedience to the celestial laws predicates blessings
6 free flow of your energies
if you have ever been to a spa/retreat, you will have noticed the relaxed atmosphere, it was carefully created out of very little, and every item was placed in such a way as to be functional, and aesthetic, allowing you to become more relaxed. Do you think you could walk into a room filled with clutter and get just as relaxed? and yet our homes are full of clutter, is it any wonder we never feel like we can relax, even our sleep is disturbed. we buy bigger beds more sound machines, more and more to create a relaxed atmosphere in our homes. but the truth is less is better.
So start today, and continue every day. if you don't use it regularly. its not an investment item or a family heirloom get rid of it. and on the family heirlooms, there is a such thing as too many of those too. so if you find you have 20 large family heirlooms, perhaps it is time to spread those to other family members, or to other families to be heirlooms to another family.
Some additional information - "In a recent study conducted by Dr. Sanjaya Saxena, director of the Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders Program at the University of California, San Diego, 20 adults with clinically significant compulsive hoarding issues and 18 healthy non-hoarding controls were given PET scans to measure their brain metabolism. Hoarders were found to have lower activity in a specific part of the brain that’s involved in decision-making, focused attention and the regulation of emotion.
“We found that patients with compulsive hoarding had a unique pattern of brain function abnormalities,” says Saxena, whose study is currently undergoing pre-publication review. “This pattern was not seen in other OCD patients, nor in the normal controls."
Now I find this very interesting, though they think that the brain dysfunction is why they hoard. but I say it is the hoarding that has caused the brain dysfunction. it has stopped the flow of energy, and actually caused brain damage. these people were not OCD hoarders as children. these people learned to be hoarders, by valuing their "stuff" too much. and caring more about the stuff than anything of any real importance.
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