Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Hood" - belonging to a group or Order, sharing a certain characteristic.

When I think of orders, I typically think of Priesthood - defined as a group of individuals with authority to act (ie perform rites) on behalf of whom it is they receive the authority from. Priesthood is a companion to Fatherhood.

But I want to talk about Motherhood -

I was asked recently if I was Pagan. and when I said no, why, he replied I looked like a woman of power. (quite a compliment) but on further investigating this man was a Pagan following the Norse Viking Traditions, and he was thinking I was a Volva - basically a Viking Priestess. intrigued I went and investigated the whole Norse Viking paganism, and kept coming back to a thought.

Women have been revered as being women of power since the beginning of time. working their magical protections around the house, caring for the sick and elderly, praying for their warriors away. and this tradition of being a Homemaker was passed down mother to child until the witch trials caused women to hold back openly accessing their "magic".

but when I consider the word MotherHood - I define it not merely as a group of Mothers. but as an Order With Authority to Act on behalf of the one who gave that Authority within the full capacities required of a member of that order.

Who gave us this authority? both PriestHood and MotherHood are given to us directly from God.
The Scriptures tell us of the great responsibility it is of Mothers to raise their children properly, to care and tend to their stewardships. The Priesthood is there for the specific rites that need to be performed by God through Proxy, ie priest.

but Mothers have direct Authority to act on behalf of God for the raising of his Children, by Proxy, which includes all the powers that God has Authorized for us to use. which includes - Stewarding over the children. Physical, Spiritual, and Mental/Emotional Healings, Keeping the House. Protecting  supporting our Husbands. etc.

MotherHood is a position of Power

The Feminist Equal Rights Movement Demoted us, and confused the issues. Yes we can work,Yes we can fight. but that is not what God gave us Authority to do. Nor is it how we can be most effective.

Am I a Woman of Power?

Why Yes I am. Without boasting but stating of fact. I am capable of Great Spiritual Understandings. I am Capable of Great Healings, I am the single most important and greatest influence on the children in within my stewardship, I the ability to be a great influence for my husband. I am capable of affect Great changes.

With all this ability comes a great deal of responsibility to use this Motherhood appropriately, because authority once given, can be taken away.

Are you a Woman of Power?
If you are not now, I KNOW that you can be.
Lacking the act of having children spew forth from your womb does not disqualify your membership in the order of Motherhood. there are other children you within your stewardship, there are plenty of healing that needs to happen in the world. and having our women locked away in offices has locked up our compassion and our Love and locked away the key.

Women are capable of the greatest amount of:
Spiritual Strength
and Influence

Women once controlled the World, Men bowed at their feet, kissed their hands, opened doors for them, begged for their hand in marriage, slaved to death to provide a good home for their treasured wife. and now that we are "equal" We hope we are good enough for a man, we kiss their butts, we stubbornly open our own doors, we wait and hope for men to ask us to marry, and if they don't, we continue to debase ourselves as their free access whores, and if that isn't enough we have to slave away and "pay our share". Men have become Lazy, They don't have to work so hard. Women have become desperate and work harder to make up the slack.

But that can change! if we hold ourselves to a higher standard. Know that as Women we belong to the Order of Motherhood, which makes us Priestesses with Authority direct from God. Act Like Women of Power and we can regain our strength.

As I step down from my soap box, I would like to add. Men and Women were already equal. The roles were equally split between the men and women. and while I would like to see a return of the Women to her proper place. there were some great benefits to the equal rights movement, that sadly got carried to far. Women do have brains and are capable of using them and should be allowed by the governments to do so. to own property, to think for self, to vote etc. and I would never suggest we take those away. but if we as women were to fully understand our importance, and our roles in the world, we would willingly fight to be at home, where we can be most effective. If you want to fix the economy, women should go home that would create twice as many job openings for the men. sure women can still work, but much of it can be done at home. Doctors can go home and heal their families and loved ones. lawyers can go home and support and defend their husbands, Psychologists can  go home and provide the emotional mental & spiritual support their families need, and can even charge to give advice to others for their knowledge, but should find balance at home.

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